A disappearing waterfall, most commonly referred to as a pondless waterfall, is one that provides the visual and auditory beauty of a natural waterfall but without the addition of a traditional pond or pool at the base. They are designed so the water flows over stones or other decorative elements, usually falling onto smaller stones, pebbles, or pavers and then disappearing into a small underground reservoir or vault which works with the pump to move water back up to the start of the falls. When designed correctly, the smallest rocks or pebbles are scattered densely over the reservoir hiding it completely from sight. The water from the fall is continuously recirculated, offering a low-maintenance and space-efficient alternative to the traditional waterfall and pond combination. While ponds do require some maintenance (or at least the right combination of fish and plants or an appropriate filter to remain clean) the pondless waterfalls require even less work to keep it looking and sounding great.
Another great feature is that by having running water in your yard, you are replicating a natural environment for the local wildlife. Bird may arrive to bath and drink from the falls. Like with ponds, dragonflies will be attracted to the water garden, and even frogs may visit to find shelter among the stones.
Another cool feature of re-circulating waterfalls is that you can have them set up with an easy on-off switch. If you're heading on vacation or just prefer to have the water off while you're away from home each day, we can install a simple function so the pump only begins running when you hit the on button. Depending on your pond set-up, this may require a dedicated pump so as to keep the rest of the water flowing through the pond to avoid stagnation. Some sort of constant water agitation or circulation will help you spread out the
cleaning cycles for your pond because water movement helps prevent settling which leads to quicker build up of all the decaying matter that makes it's way into your pond water.
Although many ponds are less than two feet deep, some potential owners have worries about children or pets falling in. These are valid concerns, especially since some small ponds are not built within a fence, like pools are here in Florida. If you've been wresting with this idea but are still craving the natural sounds of a babbling brook or gently splashing water, consider a pondless water feature. The falls can create all of that lovely sound and pleasing visuals without an adjoining body of open water.
Many pond owners expand their original idea after years of enjoyment. Some call this their second pond even though it is just an expansion. If you'd like to start with a disappearing water feature in your yard, you can reap most of the benefits of an actual pond while you wait for your toddler to grown and then renovate the poolless waterfall into a more robust aquascape with a real pond. By having the space already set aside, you will likely save money and time on the project, not to mention that if your equipment is in good shape, it can probably also be repurposed for your expansion.
While you may assume a pondless waterfall has to be a slimmed down version of a waterfall with a pond, this is not the case at all. Just like a pond connected waterfall, a pondless waterfall can be customized with various decorative elements, such as natural stones, rocks, gravel, or plants, to create a visually appealing and natural-looking waterfall structure. Even though the end path for the water will be underground, we can still design many levels of falls if you have the space for it. Your falls could carry on for 50 or 100 feet in length and still end up at the vault being recirculated back to the beginning of the falls. An equal number, or even more plants can be designed in and around your waterfall to thrive in the environment, just like the ones that surround a pond. The water will cascade over all these elements just the same, creating the soothing sounds and aesthetic beauty of a traditional waterfall whether it ends in a pool or not.
Not quite ready to make the plunge with a full waterfall feature? Lacking a lot of space in your yard for the disappearing waterfall you'd love to install? A smaller and less expensive option that many folks still enjoy are pondless fountains. Some landscaping and home goods stores sell large pots which include a bubbling water feature at the top. These can be self containing, fun to watch, and easy to set up. If you are looking for something a little more customized with a larger wow-factor and an ability to amplify the natural water sound, ask us about pondless fountains.
Similar to the out-of-the-box fountains, pondless versions create the appearance that the water is disappearing into the ground. Using the same technology as the pondless waterfalls use, a single foutain, three fountains or custom rock formation can be designed to sit on top of a bed of rocks that hide the water vault and pump which sends the water back up through fountain in a continuous cycle. Another cool idea is to hide one of these vaults right in the middle of your patio. If we were to remove a portion of your pavers, we could install the necessary equipment into the ground and place the rock formation of your choice on top of it to impress all of your guests. Imagine your back patio containing a fire pit on one side and a pondless fountain on the other. You may never want to leave.
Not quite ready to make the plunge with a full waterfall feature? Lacking a lot of space in your yard for the disappearing waterfall you'd love to install? A smaller and less expensive option that many folks still enjoy are pondless fountains. Some landscaping and home goods stores sell large pots which include a bubbling water feature at the top. These can be self containing, fun to watch, and easy to set up. If you are looking for something a little more customized with a larger wow-factor and an ability to amplify the natural water sound, ask us about pondless fountains.
Similar to the out-of-the-box fountains, pondless versions create the appearance that the water is disappearing into the ground. Using the same technology as the pondless waterfalls use, a single fountain, three fountains or custom rock formation can be designed to sit on top of a bed of rocks that hide the water vault and pump which sends the water back up through fountain in a continuous cycle. Another cool idea is to hide one of these vaults right in the middle of your patio. If we were to remove a portion of your pavers, we could install the necessary equipment into the ground and place the rock formation of your choice on top of it to impress all of your guests. Imagine your back patio containing a fire pit on one side and a pondless fountain on the other. You may never want to leave.
If you are in a townhome or a small condo with extremely limited backyard space, another option is to have artificial turf installed outside your back door. Because turf is designed to naturally allow water to drain through the backing, this becomes an extremely easy way to hide the water vault. This idea is an interesting one because you have the juxtaposition of an artificial element (turf) that is made to mimic something in nature along with a man-made element (fountain) also built to mimic a part of nature. Add some potted plants or an assortment of river rocks and we still think that you have the potential to create a highly low-maintenance oasis within a very small footprint. Give us a call for additional ideas. We strive to make the most out of what can be designed. You should love where you live, especially the outdoor landscape.
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