Beneficial bacteria are the unsung heroes of backyard ponds, helping keep the water clear and clean by breaking down fish waste, uneaten food, and decaying plant matter. These microscopic organisms also convert the harmful ammonia, produced by fish droppings and other organic sources, into less harmful nitrites and nitrates. Here at Focal Point Ponds, we want to help you cultivate and maintain the healthy bacteria that will keep your pond in tip-top condition, by doing the following steps.
Our first step in growing healthy bacteria is to create a balanced ecosystem where fish, pond plants, and microorganisms can thrive. This includes incorporating a variety of aquatic plants, maintaining an appropriately stocked level of fish, and providing adequate aeration and circulation. We’ll also put
river rocks and stones in the pond where bacteria can anchor themselves and do their work. Some people prefer to have little or no rocks, which is totally fine, but keep in mind that any size rock in your water provides extra wet surface area. The more areas you can have beneath the water, the more surfaces you are allowing for the growth of pond-cleaning bacteria to live. On the flip side, this also means there are more surfaces to clean when your pond is in need of a clean out. The ultimate goal of our pond pros is to mimic the natural processes found in Mother Nature to create a healthy ecosystem.
In addition to optimizing environmental conditions for naturally occurring bacteria, we can introduce supplements to your pond to kick-start the colonization of beneficial micro-organisms. Things like barley and enzymes can help improve your water clarity. Other concentrated solutions contain some of the same bacteria strains found naturally in ponds to enhance bacterial levels when they are depleted. Supplementing with beneficial bacteria blends will keep get your water as clean as possible with no need for chemical treatments, which means there is less risks to your fish, frogs, turtles, or other wildlife visitors.
If you're specifically trying to improve the health of your fish, look for vitamins that boost growth and metabolism. Certain vitamin supplements for fish can also benefit their skin or vision and prevent general health conditions.
With any waterscape, keep in mind that you want to stay ahead of the cleaning process. Chemical-free items still have the ability to clean a dirty pond, but they may take much longer than adding chemicals to your ecosystem, so remain patient but also diligent, while trying to stay ahead of excessive bacteria outbreaks.
Our services include water testing to assess the essential parameters that affect the growth of healthy bacteria in your pond. By monitoring the pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temperature and oxygen levels, we can identify and address any potential issues that hold back bacterial bloom and put stress on your fish. We use the pond water testing kits that show results immediately, offering real-time data while removing a lot of the guess work from treatment options. This is your first line of defense against non-visible problems that can lead to decline in water quality.
Beneficial bacteria need a certain level of oxygen in the water much like the fish and aquatic plants. We can provide the needed oxygenation and circulation to your pond by installing aeration devices such as air stones, bubblers, and fountains. If you have a larger budget, the most stunning way and natural way to splash water into your pond is by building a waterfall. Given your space constraints, these can be short and still impressive, or they can have longer stream ways and multiple cascading levels that lead to your water garden. All of these devices and features help push the water around to combat muck and algae build-up while promoting the growth of healthy bacteria. The oxygenated water also doesn’t have the rotten egg smell of stagnant water while hastening the decomposition of the accumulated sediment at the bottom. We understand the right speed of water flow to strive for in your ecosystem. Remember that if everything is constantly stirring too quickly, it will prevent beneficial bacteria from beginning to grow.
The shifts in season and the aggregation of debris and other organic matter over time can harm your pond’s bacterial herd. Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your good bacteria’s health and raising happy fish in your pond environment. From testing water parameters and treating different issues, to balancing water quality with supplements of bacteria additives to removing litter such as leaves and twigs to trimming aquatic plants and performing
deep cleaning, we will help maintain the optimal conditions for all beneficial bacteria and aquatic life.
Not quite ready to make the plunge with a full waterfall feature? Lacking a lot of space in your yard for the disappearing waterfall you'd love to install? A smaller and less expensive option that many folks still enjoy are pondless fountains. Some landscaping and home goods stores sell large pots which include a bubbling water feature at the top. These can be self containing, fun to watch, and easy to set up. If you are looking for something a little more customized with a larger wow-factor and an ability to amplify the natural water sound, ask us about pondless fountains.
Similar to the out-of-the-box fountains, pondless versions create the appearance that the water is disappearing into the ground. Using the same technology as the pondless waterfalls use, a single foutain, three fountains or custom rock formation can be designed to sit on top of a bed of rocks that hide the water vault and pump which sends the water back up through fountain in a continuous cycle. Another cool idea is to hide one of these vaults right in the middle of your patio. If we were to remove a portion of your pavers, we could install the necessary equipment into the ground and place the rock formation of your choice on top of it to impress all of your guests. Imagine your back patio containing a fire pit on one side and a pondless fountain on the other. You may never want to leave.
We hope this page has helped you understand that like many things in nature, a balance is essential for the best health of your various pond inhabitants. Understanding that balance may require some investigation, testing and then implementing different solutions until a pleasant outcome is achieved. We're here to help with that process. Allowing an appropriate amount of healthy bacteria to colonize while keeping that amount from ballooning is quintessential to maintaining water quality and promoting a thriving ecosystem Unless otherwise directed, we will take a natural and safe approach to produce long-lasting and beautiful ponds. Our aquatic professionals at Focal Point have refined our nature-based treatment methods to offer solutions that are both environmentally friendly, effective, and affordable.
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