Are your koi fish, goldfish, tilapi, or catfish gasping for air at your pond’s water surface, punctuated by labored breathing and rapid gill movements? Or do your fish appear sluggish and lethargic with reduced appetite and activity? All of these traits can be signs of low oxygen levels that can lead to serious fish problems such as stress, illness or even death. This oxygen depletion requires immediate attention to ensure your pond remains clean, clear, and healthy.
An aerator pump injects air into a pond’s water to agitate the surface, releasing carbon dioxide and allowing oxygen to enter. It can thoroughly aerate your pond by working from the bottom up, resulting in less sludge at the bottom that causes diseases and fish death. The device works to introduce oxygen deep within the water to ensure all areas of your pond are circulated and saturated with oxygen. These features help improve water clarity and reduce unpleasant odors at the same time.
Waterfalls, fountains, and cascades also increase surface agitation by creating movement in your pond that allows oxygen to mix into the water. By continuously moving and circulating water, it is less likely that any type of scum will form on the water. Not only does this help the fish by increasing oxygen levels in the water, but the streaming or splashing is also pleasant to hear and watch for your personal relaxation and de-stressing. There are colored lighting and spray pattern options for turning any dull pond into a captivating focal point. If you have questions about lighting or want some installed under the water surface or within your plant life around the perimeter of your pond, give us a call to discuss these options.
As the name implies, oxygenating plants release oxygen into the water while growing partially or completely under the water's surface. Common aquatic plants that produce oxygen during photosynthesis include eelgrass, hornwort, arrowhead and red rotala. They can replenish the pond oxygen level while improving water clarity and quality. They can also be paired with decorative varieties to make stunning plant combinations for your water oasis.
These plants live in the wild so researches have uncovered what they do for each particular wildlife community. Eelgrass or tape grass, for instance, plays a big role in the freshwater ecosystems of Florida by serving as a major provider of food for turtles, birds and even invertebrate species. In larger yards, your pond attracting safe and healthy local wildlife can become a benefit for your pond and the community you live in. As for your specific pond, this same plant can also provide food and shade to your fish population encouraging their healthy growth.
A large number of fish can be enjoyable to have but the number should match the amount of space they have because this ties directly to your pond’s oxygen levels. It is crucial to regularly assess the size of your fish population to avoid overstocking and prevent oxygen depletion. An excessive number of fish also generates a large amount of organic wastes that use up a lot of oxygen when decomposing. By measuring your pond and calculating its width, length and depth, you’ll have a better idea of how much healthy fish your pond can sustain. Check out our mini-section called Count Your Fish on this page for some guidelines about avoiding overcrowding in your fish pond.
Without some general monitoring and regular maintenance, even healthy ponds can begin growing algae which is not a good thing for your fish, your water, your plants or your guests. An overabundance of algae lowers the amount of oxygen by preventing sunlight from reaching the submerged plants for photosynthesis, and using up the oxygen when it dies during the decomposition process. Routine pond maintenance such as conducting water tests and removing debris is key to ensure health for your pond life.
If your only desire is to soak in the sweet sights and sounds, give us a call to talk about maintenance help. Depending upon the size of your Tampa pond and its specific needs, we can look at monthly, quarterly and annual check ups so our experts can make sure things are running smoothly above and below the water of your pond. We don't have contracts and we feel our pricing is affordable compared to the local competition.
At Focal Point Ponds, we offer comprehensive services for maintaining the proper oxygen level in your Tampa Bay pond, and creating a thriving aquatic environment for your fish’s growth and well-being. From adequate aeration to proper plant choices and conscientious maintenance, we can ensure that your pond remains a beautiful and valuable feature of your Florida property for years to come.
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